How friendly are you?

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Our quiz is a personality quiz to see how friendly you are.There will be four questions with four to three possible answers. Answer them to figure out how friendly you are

This quiz is a fun activity to do with your friends or your self alone! A way for you to test if you are a good friend or not! So continue on to figure it out

Created by: Unknown and pug
  1. Your friend dropped some books what do you do?
  2. You friend is struggling what do you do?
  3. Your friend are mad at you what do you do?
  4. You are mad at your friend what do you do?
  5. If you are at a sleepover and your friend is being loud what do you do
  6. Your friend is sad what do you do
  7. You have the last soda what do you do
  8. Your friend is being bullied what do you do
  9. You friend is decorating for a party
  10. Your friend is painting their room

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Quiz topic: How friendly am I?
