Are you a bird?

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Hey guys! This quiz will help you see how much bird are you, 100% Accurate! I’m so excited about how this quiz will turn out. I’ve made lots of quizzes, really! Thanks for checking out this one! Like, wow! Also, side note: Yes, you’re welcome! It’s my pleasure!

Second side note: my username is Lucy Rascal. Maybe you can find my comments and see my other quizzes, which you should, in general, adore! Omg, think about it….

Created by: Lucy Rascal
  1. Are you vegan?
  2. Are you a woman or a man?
  3. Do you prefer the indoors or outdoors?
  4. Does the outdoors make you feel free?
  5. How many hunting trips have you went to this year?
  6. Worms or lettuce?
  7. Salad of fruits or vegetables?
  8. Are you delicate?
  9. Your sister has a twisted knee. What do you do?
  10. Can you whistle?
  11. Do you have siblings?
  12. If so, how much? (Leave this space blank if you answered “no” on the last question)
  13. Do you want to fly? Be truthful!
  14. How would you fly? (Leave this blank if you don’t want to fly)
  15. And finally, why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bird?
