What Bird is the right fit for you

This is a way to kinda fiqure out what type of bird you might get if you wanted a bird. This is not completly accurate I am a kid and i don't know as much about birds as like a pro so be in mind this is not completly accurate.

Take other tests to actully know exactly. This is also my first time making a quiz so i do not know how this works. If this is an absulote wreak and doesnt work Bear in mind this is my first time. Sorry my spelling so bad

Created by: Ash
  1. How much noise can you handle
  2. How much mess can you handle
  3. How much are you willing to pay for a birds supplies and food for each month.
  4. how interactive do you want to be with your birds daily
  5. Have you ever had a bird before
  6. How much space will the bird have
  7. Do you have other Pets
  8. Have you found a avairn vet that you trust
  9. Do you mind a bite often that will sometimes make you bleed
  10. Are you ready to get a bird

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