Are you a Beatles fan?

There are a lot of Beatles fans but few are actually REAL fans...Are you a real fan of the breathetaking band? Take this quiz and find out pumpkin!!!

Are you a real Beatles fan ?? Or do you know a lot about them ?? If you said Yes to either of these questions plwease take this quiz to find out how much of a fan you really are ... :)

Created by: fatii96
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the song "She's leaving home" about?
  2. Which Beatle died first?
  3. How did John Lennon die?
  4. What does OPD mean?
  5. What was the name of John Lennon's wife?
  6. Do you even like the Beatles?
  7. Which is your Favorite Beatle?
  8. Comment?( No effect...)
  9. Rate?(No effect...)
  10. I hope you have an awesome day...(No effect...)

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Quiz topic: Am I a Beatles fan?