Are you a baby, toddler, or a kiddo? Littlespace edition

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This is a quiz to tell your little age! IIf you wanna be friends, my insta is littleone775 Idk why this thing wants 150+ words so I am just gonna type stuff

This is kinda weird how it want sooooo many letters but okay I guess, I am gonna say words now. Apple, dragon, sunflower, harpoon, stuffie, baby, lemons

Created by: Bean
  1. What would your rather use?
  2. What's your favorite activity?
  3. What do you call your cg?
  4. Do you use a paci?
  5. What's your favorite little show?
  6. When little, what's your favorite way if communicating?
  7. Do you use diapers/pullups?
  8. Would you rather...
  9. What do you think your little age is?
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a baby, toddler, or a kiddo? Littlespace edition

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