Minecraft Family Roleplay - Toddler Perspective

Minecraft Family Roleplay - Toddler Perspective is a fun roleplay where you decide a toddler's doings. Will you Yeet out the window? Turn Super Sayain? Throw Spaghetti in your brother's face? Dream of curing cancer?

Whatever path you pick, this roleplay is sure to give you a good laugh or two in the course of this toddler's day. If this gets popular I will make more! Hope you enjoy! πŸ™‚

Created by: BurgerGurl1505
  1. One day, in the kind of nice city of Blocksburg, a toddler named [your name] was in their cosy home. But it was raining, and poor little [your name] wanted to go outside and play. What does [your name] do in this predicament?
  2. [Your name] angrily stomped through the house into the bedroom, where Dada was having a nap. [Your name] got into the bed and jump on him, waking him up. He picks them up and goes to change their nappy.
  3. It stops raining and [your name] is taken to the park by Mama. They go on the swing but then fall off and hurt their knee. Reaction:
  4. [Your name] has arrived home with Mama and wants to draw a picture but this is Minecraft and they can't so they type emoji looking things in the chat. What do they type?
  5. After doing some drawing, [Your name] goes to play with their building blocks. What do they build?
  6. Mama calls [Your name], Papa, and [Your name]'s big sibling, Jeff, into the dining room for spaghetti. At dinner, Jeff boasts about his grades.
  7. At bedtime, Papa reads [Your name] a bedtime story. They fall asleep listening, and dream of their own crazy version.
  8. What else does [Your name] dream about this foggy night?
  9. Did you enjoy this roleplay? It is coming to an end. (No effect on score)
  10. Should I make more? (No effect on score)

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