Are you a baby quiz

WELCOME TO QUIZ is you baby is you toddler is you .... well find out here ~> jk no down there so um enjoy :3:3:3:3:3:3:#:$:$:$:$:$:$::L:L:L:L:l:l:l":"

um hi so do you like this quiz i want ot hear storys please comment i would mean the world to me so thank you so so much ...........................:>

Created by: Emma
  1. Hi baby
  2. What do you wear
  3. what are you
  4. you love to be treated like a
  5. why are you taking this quiz?
  6. imagane: You wake up, your mom is there "hi how are you" she says you say "why am i here" and she respones "you are here cause youve been wetting the bed so we are treating you like a baby and we are putting a diaper on you" she then says "before you start to cry mommy is going to get your paci ok?"
  7. You have a bf/gf coming over but, your mom finished all the baby stuff! How do you react?
  8. we have to go soon but when was the last time you had an accedint
  9. we have one more question
  10. bye now baby girl/boy

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Quiz topic: Am I a baby quiz

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