Are you a a weirdo?

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Are you a WEIRDO??? Or do you think youre a weirdo? :/// Well this is a quiz for you! COME BE A WEIRDO WITH US MERPPPPP anyways... i need to reach the max words for this

Come see if you are a weirdo!! now see if youter a weirdo by taking this quiz and i hope you will have fun doing it. Now I have to reach the max words..... UGHHHHHHHHHH

Created by: Arson of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you a little... weird at times? UwU owo :3
  2. Do you sometimes shout out weird sounds like "BLERP..." or "MEP!"
  3. What's your favorite character? OwO
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Do people understand you? ;(
  6. When you get mad do your eyes turn red? >:) (Mine does its a huge insecurity of mine)
  7. Do you think being weird is GOOD? :333
  8. Do you say funny quotes like "Me? Weird? Always!"
  9. Are you apart of lgbtqia+ or FNAF floor tiles? ._.
  10. Are you a little OCD at times? For example, i NEED things to be perfect.. whoops! Merp

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Quiz topic: Am I a a weirdo?
