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We know that everyone has a little bit werid in them xD so come find out what your really are if ur scared that is

Created by: EmmetteSmith
  1. Do You Play The Knife Game And Sing The Song To It ?
  2. If a Person told You To SkyDive off a plane with would you?
  3. What type of cereal would you best describe yourself as?
  4. How would you explain Facebook to your grandma?
  5. How would you explain what a chair is to an alien?
  6. How do I know you are not bald under that?
  7. . It's the apocalypse, how do you survive?
  8. . Why is your tongue red or pink ?
  9. . Why is the sky blue?
  10. Finish this song : "I have all My fingers The Knife Goes ___"

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Quiz topic: WHAT TYPE OF WEIRDO am I??!