Are You a a Slytherin??

Hi! My names Jess and I'm a Slytherin. I would like to see if anyone can join me on the table! Are you a true prankster or are you a goodie? Take this quiz to find out!!

This is my first quiz so I'm sorry if it isn't as good as you hoped. Thank you for taking the quiz. I hope you enjoy! Please don't pick the questions that lead to the answer you want, pick what you would pick!! Thank you!

Created by: JessicakeSlytherin
  1. The Hogwarts express has broken down. How do you get to school?
  2. You get pulled into Dumbledore's office. Why?
  3. What are you most looking forward to in Hogwarts?
  4. What do you wear to the prom?
  5. What house so you think you most belong in?
  6. Pick a colour
  7. Dawn or dusk?
  8. It's the weekend. What do you do with your friends?
  9. When did you get your letter to Hogwarts??
  10. Day or night??

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Quiz topic: Am I a a Slytherin??
