Which Hogwarts house are you in?

If you want to know which house you are in, try this quiz! It only considers the good traits of each house, and not any stereotypes. I hope you like it!

Regardless of the results, enjoy and have fun! Each house is an amazing house, and every result is a good result. There is no better house. See if you get Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin! And now, Let the sorting begin!

Created by: :)
  1. Someone is in the hospital wing because they got in a fight. You are...
  2. You have a test tomorrow. You...
  3. You know prefects are going to be picked soon, and you see Dumbledore drop his pile of books in the hallway, but class is going to start very soon... You
  4. Your friend just had a breakup and is feeling very sad. You...
  5. You are on the Hogwarts express and someone sat down at the seat next to you, but then a bunch of her friends came, and she moved into the next train car. You realize she forgot her ticket, it is lying on the seat, and the ticket collector is coming towards her. It is dangerous and against the rules to go from train car to train car while the train is moving, but the girl needs her ticket. You...
  6. Why are you going to Hogwarts?
  7. To you life is...
  8. When you first got your Hogwarts letter you...
  9. When you get to Diagon Alley the first thing you do is...
  10. Which store do you go to first in Diagon Alley (if you had the money to go wherever you wanted)?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts house am I in?
