Are you a 6th grader? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a 6th grader?

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  • I don't think of myself as stuck-up. I try my best to be as kind as possible, I've never sworn in my life, and yet this quiz basically told me that I'm a 6th grader, I'm rude and snotty, and I think I'm "da bomb". I don't agree, and none of my friends (who are literally the nicest people in the world, and also pretty smart) would agree either. Sorry about my short (or maybe long) rant, but I feel that this quiz isn't very kind/helpful/nice/e njoyable/useful/any thing like that.

  • 6th graders are dumb! I'm a 6th grader and I am smart and I don't want to change Mr. Or Mrs./Ms. Thank you for being Rude to little 11 year olds! >:-0


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