Are we similar? (Mentally)

This quiz might be relatable, or it may not be. Try it to see if you relate to some of the things I do! Why do they want me to type more....? I really don't know..

You can skip this paragraph. It is extremely unimportant for this quiz, because I have nothing to say except for what I have already said. Let's get started, if you are still reading.

  1. Do you ever get randomly motivated to do something and then just be like: Uhm what no thanks
  2. Do you ever re check something after you already know you did it
  3. Do you buy a lot of the same stuff? Like getting Pokemon cards or a book or something each time you go to the store and nothing new
  4. Do you walk into a room to get something and then forget what you were getting
  5. You ever remember something funny from like yesterday and then burst out laughing (or a smol laugh)
  6. Pika
  7. Do you ever watch the same episode or a video again and again because it brings you some form of comfort
  8. Do you carry items around at school, like a book, for comfort
  9. Have you ever been told grow up or "when will you grow out of that"
  10. Time for the results. How did you like this quiz?

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You are viewing the 3rd quiz out of 3 in the set Emotional stuff idk.

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