Are we long lost twins?

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HI and welcome to my quiz!! i was really bored and cant sleep.OK hi i am awake and ded all at the same really bored and wanted to make somthing waiting 4 my class 2 start

im bored and started drawing on my hands. i now have 2 new friends. Gerard and MC. booored nothing to dopoooooooo *hums a random a** tune* welp byee!!

Created by: Eri Chan
  1. do u simp over anime bois?
  2. do u speak fluent sarcasm?
  3. do u love singing?
  4. do u swear?
  5. Do YoU LiKe TaCoS🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙
  6. do u use Quotev?(if not link in description)
  7. ok this is a VERY important question. Whats your birth month?
  8. How old are u?(srry i'm getting tired made this at 2 AM)
  9. r u kawaii
  10. r u a homophobe?
  11. welp buh bye

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