You're bored, so take this lol

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I lost the passion that comes with livingSince I started universityI took a geography course to learn the datelinesAnd maybe use a sextantBut now I just press facsimilesAnd you're exactly who you wanted to beThat's what you said

'Cause you wanna watch TV, and sleep all day, and lay in bed, butYou're forgetting that I've got to go to work and eat my foodAnd pay my rent, and reproduce, then feed those kidsAnd maybe use a sextant

Created by: YaHaveAgoodOne
  1. Do you support the lgbtqia+ community?
  2. If you had to choose, would you rather have ice cream, cake, or popcorn?(Any flavor/toppings you prefer)
  3. If you had to say, are you introverted? Or are you extroverted? Or a mix?
  4. Pronouns?(If I didn't list yours, choose other.)
  5. Do you know how to ride a skateboard, bike, scooter, ect...?
  6. On this question I want you to lie. Do you have a good home life? (You can skip if you wish to not answer)
  7. Moving on! Do you like anime?
  8. Do you prefer the ocean, or the mountains?
  9. :]
  10. Well that's the end! I hope you enjoyed, anyways... Maybe i'll make more quizes in the future lol- Bye!!!

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