Are We Best Friends Forever?

The is a test to see if you and your best friend or think best friend are meant to be friends. There are 10 questions, now there is no right or wrong answer, its just a test to see if you guys or girls are good for eachother!

If you arent meant to be friends, there is a way to fix that but it will take sometime to get the whole frendship fixed (if it really needs it anyway).

Created by: A Girly
  1. If we were auditioning for the same role in a play and I got that part, what would you do?
  2. If you found out my bf was cheating, would you...
  3. If we got into a fight, how would you apologize?
  4. If you ever saw me crying, what would do or how would you respond?
  5. How would you respond if I was laughing over something dumb?
  6. Do you think we're meant to be friends?
  7. Would you ever pretend to like/hate something I like/hate?
  8. What would you do if I was being bullied?
  9. Do you love me as a bestie or just like me as a bestie?
  10. Would you ever consider being roomates?

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