Are u Smarter than Me and HS Grad?

Many People call themselves SMART; though few are. Ex: Einstein a genuis, someone that see's all point views and also is able to solve just about anything that crosses their extraordinarily minds. Prove yourself!

Do you think your college material? Maybe so, but these are some questions you should of learned in High School. A little effort from common sense doesn't hurt also. Lets begin your proof of knowledge.

Created by: Lisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What did Elizabeth I have removed from her palaces when her hair thinned and her cheeks hollowed?
  2. What country did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February of 1979?
  3. What's a flat image that can be displayed in three dimensions?
  4. What two letters are both symbols for 1,000?
  5. What do doctors look at through an ophthalmoscope?
  6. What's the most popular animal eaten before it's born and after it's dead?
  7. What do you call a substance containing only one kind of atom?
  8. What foreign company's Tennessee factory is the largest single auto plant in the U.S.?
  9. What foreign company's Tennessee factory is the largest single auto plant in the U.S.?
  10. What number is an improper fraction always greater than?

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