Are u slay enough to join our friend group?

This is a quiz to see if you are good enough to join our friend group. We are four girlies so yeah :3Hehehehehehehehehehehehehheehehehheheheehehjehwhvuvu

Hebehehebebdbdksmsnsbfhhebemakdbbeekfjdbwbnsbdbdjsmsnbdkffnsnhdbddjdbdjsnsbfnkskwbddbjsnedhbawkoenebdusknddjdiendbekenejdjjenedbjsenebdjaksnjsbdnsjsnsnshd (keyboard smash :3)

Created by: Mathilda :3
  1. What would you say ur personality is like?
  2. Ok what’s you do you think about a person that’s immature and gay?
  3. What do you think about short and angry people?
  4. What do you think about lipstick, book and cup obsessed people?
  5. What do you think about tall and crystal obsessed people?
  6. Do u support LGBTQ+
  7. Are you obsessed with saying things like: YAS 👏💅 Get it GURL💃💅 She Serving😍😘 e.t.c?
  8. What’s your way of saying: beautiful
  9. Are you bald?
  10. Cats or dog ( really important)
  11. What’s ur music taste 👅?
  12. Would I join us summoning a demon with us?
  13. Do u have W Rizz?
  14. Ur type ;)

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