Are U Really a Skateboarder?

There's a difference between a poser and true skateboarder, but are you a real skateboarder? Take this quiz and find out! Give it a Shot! And see if you're a real skateboarder!

There's a difference between a poser and true skateboarder, but are you a real skateboarder? Take this quiz and find out! Give it a Shot!And see if you're a real skateboarder!

Created by: bobalou

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite skater?
  2. When you think of a New Era Hat, who do think of?
  3. Whats your best trick?
  4. Who influenced you?
  5. Do you wear full pads?
  6. Does Daewon have mad skill?!
  7. Which is cooler?
  8. What are Half Cabs?
  9. What does AM stand for?
  10. Who is Gonz?

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