Are a giga chad???

Did you know that the word dolphine starts with a d and ends with and e. Dolphines are actually fish which is pretty cool and plus they are also blue.

They can keep talking their talkBut I'm a keep walking my walkAnd I won't hear a sou-oundYeah they're just trying to seeIf they can get the best of meWell not this time aro-oundStuck to the phoneLike they're all aloneHide behind the screen

Created by: Jack cough
  1. A kid walks up to u and says u a name that makes u mad. What do u do?
  2. You see a person who thinks there is more than one gender. What do u do?
  3. You find a child standing with 6000 dollars all alone. What do u do?
  4. U see a kid holding the last ps5 in stock and u really wanted one. What do u do?
  5. A british man tells u to empty ur pantaloons. What do u do.
  6. u see a Dream stan protesting what do u do?
  7. EDP445 offers u a cup cake what do u do?
  8. U friend cracks his fingers what do u do?
  9. Dhar mann spills water on u what do u do?
  10. I love u

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