Let me guess what you look like

This quiz is about what domestic or semi-domestic animal you are. If it doesn't let me chance the title, be assured that is what it is actually about. Well that's about all there is to that but it won't let me get off which less than 150 figures. It actually told me not to mention this requirement and wouldn't let me proceed otherwise so I'm using the word figure when I mean a word that often comes after cartoon and here means letters and symbols. I can't believe they told me not to say that.
Are you a horse, a rat, a hamster, a snail, a fish, a pony, a cat, a dog, a rabbit, or a lovebird? I know I missed the amphibians and reptiles but I can't take all day with this. I think I covered the cold, detached, uncommunicative reptilian behavior pretty well with someone of the other ones.