Answers dont give points quiz

This quiz is just a joke no point in taking it but if you want to you can there are no points no challenges no nothing but if you want something to waste your time here it is the world's easiest quiz

No points added and no points award this quiz has no point of even existing on this site in the first place please try my other quizes thank you for your time

Created by: Rootthelucario
  1. There is no challenge here?
  2. Tired yet?
  3. Done Yet?
  4. Please find something better to do with your time
  5. You are wasting your time stop answering
  6. Get lost stop taking this quiz
  7. There is no point in answering please click off this page at once
  8. This is a joke quiz and you're still at it?
  9. There are no right or wrong answers just stop
  10. Ugh you're no fun this is the end of this test

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