How well do you know about Salish matter?

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Below you can find the answers to "How well do you know about Salish matter?" -- scroll down to find which ones you got wrong. Then be sure to explore all of GoToQuiz!

  1. Does she eat meat?
    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't know
  2. What activity does Salish Like doing the most?
    • Gymnastics
    • Swimming
    • Volleyball
    • Science
    • Answer 1 and 4
    • Answer 2 and 1
  3. What is her brother's name?
    • Johnathan
    • Abram
    • Roger
    • Hudson
    • Luke
  4. How old is she?
    • 9
    • 11
    • 10
    • 6
    • 13
    • 12
  5. When is her birthday?
    • 7th june
    • 7th october
    • 9th august
    • 6th December
    • 2nd january
  6. What job does her dad do?
    • Teacher
    • Doctor
    • Photographer
    • Astronaut
  7. What is her dream to achieve?
    • Becoming a professional gymnast
    • Becoming a doctor
    • A vet
  8. What's her best friend's bame
    • Sarah
    • Maria
    • Jack
    • Nidal
    • Juju
    • Rock
  9. What is her favorite subject at school?
    • History
    • Art
    • Maths
    • English
    • Physics
  10. What is her least favourite subject at school?
    • Art
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • History
    • Science
  11. Does she like animals?
    • Yes!! She loves them so much
    • No never she hates them!
    • Yes
    • No

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