Are you a good student?

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  1. If there comes a big important test, you...
    • ...get home as fast as possible and study real hard!
    • ...take time to relax and you spare a hour or two to study.
    • ...know that you are so smart and at home you just check a notebook for a minute.
    • ...try to study but you have no time!
    • ...can't study because you go out with your friends and when you arrive at home your parents won't let you study.
  2. When you are making a test, you...
    • ...know enough and use your brains.
    • ...don't know enough but you figure something out.
    • ...count on your smart friend and you cheat on him/her.
    • ...don't remember much when you are tired.
  3. When you meet your friend, you two...
    • about last/incoming exam or test and discussion is also about that how much does you and your friend knows something.
    • a bit about test/exam results and rest of a time something else.
    • about anything else but school.
    • You go out playing.
  4. You are not good at English, when your teacher offers you a chance to help you, you...
    • accept immedialtely.
    • ...look how much people accept and if enough, you do it too.
    • ...refuse. You have better things to do.
    • ...come only if they let you to take some breaks to playing.
  5. How you calm down yourself before the great final exam? So you...
    • ...drink some tea or take a walk in a park/forest/garden.
    • ...practice sport (or something else) just to break the tension.
    • ... go for a walk.
    • ... go to bed.
  6. When you forgot to do your homework, you...
    • ...apologize to the teacher before the classes.
    • ...apologize when teacher checks your homework.
    • ...say to the teacher on loud voice "Yeah, i forgot to do it, so what?!".
    • ...are missing from that class.
    • ...are nervous about it so you dance.
  7. When the school break starts, you...
    • every day/week a bit just to not forgot what you've learned.
    • ...put your schoolbag nicely away and start dealing with your hobbies.
    • ...throw your schoolbag somewhere and start partying!
    • ...throw your schoolbag somewhere and sleep.
    • ...burn your school-things.
  8. When there has been a long vacation from school, you...
    • ...are happy to come to school.
    • ...are not so happy but you can see your friends and such, why not!
    • ...hate it and consider to think out some lie how to be more longer away from school.
  9. On any given day, how likely are you to skip at least one class?
    • Skip class?! I'd rather donate a kidney!
    • Never
    • Uh...maybe one...
    • I'll think about it
    • Of course!
  10. How carefully do you listen to your teachers?
    • I always listen carefully!
    • I listen to my teachers but sometimes I am absent minded.
    • I sometimes listen but prefer chatting...
    • I listen if it's going to be on the test
    • I don't. Sorry, could you repeat that?

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