Anna Ohman Ultimate fan quiz!

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What the peacock? Why must I waste my energy, resources, time, space, literary prowess, and calories filling this s--- out??? This makes-a no sense! This is syo styupid!

Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here. Write crap here.

Created by: Anna Ohman's no. 1 fan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is 2 + 2?
  2. Who is the best singer in the world, ever?
  3. How much does Klymadia suck?
  4. Should I ask a couple questions about Anna now, or keep asking dumb, gay questions??
  5. How cool is Anna Ohman?
  6. What is Anna Ohman's favorite sport?
  7. What is Anna's favorite hobby?
  8. Will you be willing to have babies with Anna?
  9. Would you rather rub your privates against a dead tree bark or kiss Anna on her lips?
  10. Would you take a bullet for Anna?
  11. And on the eighth day, God created...

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