Animal Jam: Do you know your rares?

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Animal Jam is an online virtual world for kids created by Smart Bomb Interactive in collaboration with National Geographic Society . It's centered around the outdoors and nature, where you can customize your own animals and dens, chat with other Jammers, adopt pets, play Adventures, go to parties, and discover interesting facts about the environment and animals.

This is a quiz to see how well you know ANIMAL JAM RARES! How well do you REALLY know these? Well I guess I have noooothing left to say.... Good luck!

Created by: MajesticJammers AJ

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which is rarer, neon bow or rare purple short wristband?
  2. Someone asks to trade a rare and a non-rare top hat for your founders'. You say:
  3. Someone in jamaa township is advertising, "FLASH ME GOOD RARES AND I GIFT YOU SHORT BLACK COLLAR!" You say:
  4. Say I let you choose between the last stone wall or a nature arch. Which do you choose?
  5. Almost done!
  6. Sooooo...... Wanna trade?
  7. OK i have nothing else
  9. GUHHH 1 MORE!!!!!!!
  10. OMGGG LAST ONE!! Pick one:

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Quiz topic: Animal Jam: do I know my rares?