how cool are you in animal jam

" Thanks so much for taking my quiz. I hope that you were satisfied with your result and had a lot of fun taking the quiz. Have a lot of fun playing Animal Jam!"

" As a fellow Animal Jam player i wish you good luck collecting rares, trading, playing games, doing adventures, adopting pets, and more. I wish you tons of luck!"

Created by: happy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how many buddies do you have
  2. how many rares do you have
  3. whet dens do you have
  4. what is the oldest item you have
  5. how well are you known on animal jam
  6. what pets do u have
  7. are you a member if so how long have you been one
  8. what is on my trading list
  9. what adventures i do
  10. what is the coolest item i have

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Quiz topic: How cool am I in animal jam