Ancient Greek Charioteers

A MOOC is a massive online open classroom. The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours (HeroesX) is one of the best. The best part is the course is free to all.

The course is sponsored by the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University. Not only is the class free, but the textbook is ridiculously inexpensive!

Created by: WilliamMoulton
  1. Who succeeded Patroclus as Achilles' charioteer?
  2. Which son of Admetus raced at Patroclus' funeral games?
  3. Which son of Tydeus chariot raced at Patroclus' funeral games?
  4. Which son of Atreus chariot raced at Patroclus' funeral games?
  5. Which son of Nestor chariot raced at the funeral games of Patroclus?
  6. The tenth book of the Iliad is named for which of its main characters?
  7. With the assistance of Apollo, who killed Achilles?
  8. Which goddess/nanny put her charge into the flames?
  9. Which hero held a branch before him when meeting Nausicaa?
  10. Which of the following was in the chariot race at Patroclus' funeral games?
  11. Who recognized Odysseus by his scar?

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