The Books of the Iliad

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This month our community of classicists will be reading and talking about Book Ten of the Iliad and other portions of the ancient Greek epic cycle. Come join us.

We are building a community of people interested in Ancient Greece in conjunction with Harvard's Center for Hellenic Studies and HarvardX's online "Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours".

Created by: WilliamMoulton2 of Hour 25
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Book X of the Iliad called?
  2. What were the names of Odysseus' nanny and mother?
  3. What does the Greek word "nostos" mean?
  4. Who does Agamemnon initially refuse to accept ransom for?
  5. Who are the ambassadors sent to Achilles in Book Nine?
  6. Who does Achilles finally accept a ransom for?
  7. What does "Laodamas" mean?
  8. Who were the two main Greek characters in the Doloneia?
  9. What king died in the Doloneia
  10. Book X of the Iliad contains a famous scene called what?

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