an odd love story part 1 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz an odd love story part 1.
you like Jake!He's more into music and art,kinda tunes out the world(my kinda guy,LOLZ!).He has black hair,and bright Mgreen eyes.He's tall and buff.This guy I made up all by myself,I'M A BIG GIRL NOW!!! XD
ehehhhehehh.Jak iekins:)
((xD)) -
Well done! i have to say i do like it. Your fav word is meh? Meh 2! I know a alex with blonde hair and blue eyes and he is superfragilisticexp ialidociously Yum Yum!
If you come to the forums, maybe people can come and help you 4 part 2? Look me up/i help! :) well done
name1 -
plz tell me anything I should do in the next quiz.thank you!LOL side note:my fav is Jake.XD
XJinxX1 -
hope you all like my quiz.sorry it's so short,it's my first one.bye
XJinxX1 -
jake sounds nice
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