an odd love story part 1


um...please be nice.I love pie and cheese.lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalala.

Created by: XJinxX
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your name is Emily Kingsly,you have long ash blonde hair,deep brown eyes,tallish and slim.
  2. You walk into school,second year in high school.You say hi to friends here and there and make your way to your locker.
  3. you bump into the school's flirt,Alex.He has blue eyes and blonde hair.He starts the convo(lol),"Ever year you get hotter and hotter!!!".your thoughts?
  4. idc what you said,you say "nice one" with a face like *wth?*.Then the bell rings.You go to class and find a seat.the teacher starts talking about France or somefing,but your not listening.
  5. Your talking to one of your guy friends Conner.He has dirty blonde hair,brown eyes,tall and slim.He's making you crack up as always.Then for some reason he stops laughing,he looks you in the eye and says "I have to talk to you after school"
  6. The bell rings and your day goes as useal,then it's the end of the day and you get on the bus.The ONLY seat you can take is one by a guy with black hair and bright green eyes.He's buff and ask,"can I sit here?" he says two start talking about the stupid freshman (sorry freshman ppl lol) and music.Turns out,he plays guitar and writes songs.Then you talk about art and stuff like say bye and get off the bus.
  7. the bus drives pass you and you feel a slight pain in your neck.You hear a wisper saying "sorry".You black out.Sorry.I'll put more stuff on the story line in part two.BYE
  8. the bus drives pass you and you feel a slight pain in your neck.You hear a wisper saying "sorry".You black out.Sorry.I'll put more stuff on the story line in part two.BYE
  9. yo
  10. plz be nice,this is my first quiz in stuff.

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