Am I liked by my peers??

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Β‘WARNING! THIS IS JUST WHAT I THINK DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY!!!!!!!!! You are beautiful just the way you are!If they don’t see that.... THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!

This quiz is just if you are curious! Don’t take it seriously! This is just what it is like at my middle school!! This is just for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Avery Slaydon
  1. Do people naturally hang bye you
  2. Do people spread rumors?
  3. Are you social awkward?
  4. Are you popular in your grade level?
  5. Are you in a relationship or were in one?
  6. Do you enjoy having attention?
  7. Do people care what you think?
  8. Are you friendly
  9. Are people nice to you?
  10. Do you think your peers like you?

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