Which one of my ex-friends are you?

High school has good and bad sides. While I loved classes, I didn't have the best of luck with friends, and they either ridiculed me, damaged my self-worth and esteem, bullied me because of who I am, or were just so much weirder than me that I was seen as boring or too serious.

Finding the right friends can make or break a school experience, and it's important that they don't judge you, make fun of you, say things that could hurt you, and who share the same interests as you. With that, which of my ex-friends are you?

Created by: Javi
  1. You strike up a friendly relationship with a friend of your friend's, but he's very conventional--in the way he dresses, is interested in, and speaks. Thoughts?
  2. You made an awful joke at my expense; now I bring it up after a week of processing it. What do you do?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. Your friend tells you he's interested in a girl he finds attractive. What do you do?
  5. Would you stand up for me?
  6. Your friend's been having self esteem issues lately, so he asks you, "do you think I'm good enough looking to get a girl?" What do you do?
  7. What's a good idea of a practical joke?
  8. Your friend is vulnerable for once and he says how unfair it is that when he gets made fun of, nothing happens to the bullies, but if he made fun of them, he'd get in big trouble. What do you think?
  9. Your friend is deeply upset about all the jokes you've done to him, and he starts to accuse you of being bullies.
  10. What's your attitude about school?
  11. Which remark would you make?
  12. Are you immature and sheltered?
  13. Could you tell all these scenarios happened to me? (no effect)
  14. If you are going into high school, are in high school, going into college, or in college, will you try to be a good friend? Will you stand up for others when they are being made fun of/teased/bullied? (no effect)

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