Am I fat for a 15year old?

Hi! I’ve made this quiz to see what I am. Because people have started talking about my weight. And I’ve started to wonder am I really fat/chubby so I made this quiz to find out.

My family and friends have started to hint that I need to loose weight, like today my mom was saying how everyone is talking about my weight/im getting bigger. I saw a friend yesterday that I hadn’t seen for a while she said that I gained weight. My boyfriend has started to pull my shirt up is public and pull my belly out of my jeans and play with the fat. My boyfriend and friend also say that I get fatter by the day…please leave a comment on my quiz!

Created by: Lolzz
  1. I weigh 195 lbs
  2. I have 2meduim and 1small fat rolls standing, and 2large with 1medium sitting
  3. I can squeeze around 3 handfuls of fat standing and 5 sitting
  4. When I slap my belly it jiggles for around 2.5 secs but it makes my thighs jiggle aswell
  5. Every time I move especially walking e.t.c I jiggle quite a lot
  6. When I stand up and look down, I see a chubby belly and my toes
  7. I eat around 2000-3000 calories a day
  8. I have between medium-large love handles
  9. I have a medium muffin top standing and a large one sitting
  10. I can’t see the button on my jeans standing or sitting
  11. Hope you enjoyed my quiz! Please leave a comment on what you think!! Bye!!!!!!! (No effect)

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