Am I Fat: Football Roleplay

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Welcome to Am I fat. See if your fat with a Football related story. Art by Better With Salt. Because I need 2 paragraphs to publish this the next one is gibberish.

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Created by: SirChub
  1. General: What gender are you
  2. General: Are you worried about the side effects?
  3. RP 1: 1. After injuring your leg you can no longer play football. In disappointment, you go to what restaurant (UK & USA Restaurants only)
  4. RP 2: You walk in and sit at a table by yourself, what size meal do you order?
  5. RP 3: After the restaurant, you take a taki home. In the taki, your friend from your football team texts you saying “I heard about the leg, do you want me to move in to help you.” How do you react.
  6. RP 4: Your friend moves in with you, you live alone in a 3 story house next to the Shopping Center and the Football Club. Your friend asked what do you want to do? What do you say?
  7. RP 4: At the Shopping Center, you see a Nutella Shop selling Nutella waffles, Pancakes and more. You and your friend see there is a café in the Nutella Shop. What do you get?
  8. RP 4: You both are stuffed that youse start waddling out of the Nutella Shop. Then your friend suddenly talks about leaving the Football Club and become a Chocolatier. How do you react?
  9. RP 7: It’s been 4 months, your friend is great at making chocolate, so much in fact he invited all of your friends over. What do you wear?
  10. General: What is your dream bodyweight

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