Am I cool or what

Look. Right if. You like this quiz then obviously you are just annoying because know one is supposed to like it, it's meant to be a complete and utter take the Michele

And if you do like or think that this quiz is good you need to get off you arse and off the computer and get out your pit! Coz if your always on the computer then no you aren't cool. And yes I am drunk no haters

Created by: Hannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite colour
  2. Are you....
  3. Are you
  4. Is there a point of this quiz
  5. Have you got
  6. Are you
  7. Do you like
  8. Am I a time waster
  9. Do you like chocolate
  10. Do you think your

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