Am I a Microwave?

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This test will proclaim and explain to you if you are a microwave. If you are not a microwave, don't worry, because no-one is perfect and we are all special in our own ways.

You might not be a microwave, or you might be one. But don't feel down on yourself if you don't get what you expected! Everyone is unique in their own way.

Created by: therealphobiaman of My YouTube channel.
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you like to warm up items?
  2. Cold or hot food?
  3. When you join a conversation (or start one) do you liven things up?
  4. Do you have a lot of friends?
  5. At school, what were/are the dinners like!
  6. How good are you at cooking?
  7. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
  8. In tests, how well did you do?
  9. Did your friends like you? (as a friend)
  10. In school, how good were you at cooking class?

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