Am I a lesbian?

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Hey, this quiz is just for fun! I don't know anything for sure! I hope you enjoy it. I tried really hard on it! Rate it and comment?? Please and thanks you! <3

If you end up being lesbian hit me up? Jk. If after this quiz you're still not sure about your sexuality after this quiz take a few more or experiment around till you are sure!

Created by: Allpowerfulmiss
  1. Do you think you are a lesbian?
  2. Are you comfortable with the idea of being a lesbian?
  3. Have you ever felt romantic attraction to another woman?
  4. Do you like the idea of kissing or hugging another woman?
  5. How many celebrity crushes of yours have been female? (or just crushes)
  6. Do you have any lesbian Pinterest pins saved?
  7. Do you listen to lesbian playlists/songs on Spotify?
  8. How do you feel about wlw tiktoks?
  9. Do you like lesbians?
  10. How much money would I have to pay you to kiss another woman?

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