Am I a good friend for others?

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This quiz is to know how good person are you. How are you? How friendly are you? You can find all of that here! So simple with a click! Enjoy the quiz.

Try this quiz out! Its fun and helpful for you. You can also share it with your friends or family. How ca I find if I am a good person or not? Just look it up here! In this quiz!!!

Created by: A_Cookie_game
  1. Do you help someone who is in danger?
  2. Do you describe yourself as a good person?
  3. Do you care for others?
  4. If someone was drowning in the sea what you do?
  5. Are you male or female?
  6. Am I good at a conversation?
  7. What do you do when a person is talking to you?
  8. What type of pet do you have?
  9. If someone needs food what do you give?
  10. If you could do anything what will you do?
  11. Do you like having friends
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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