Am I a baddie quiz (Teen Girls)

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DON"T READ THIS BORING STUFF, I WAS FORCED TO MAKE THESE PARAGRAPHS!!!This quiz is about baddies. A baddie isn't a bad person. It's a girl who dresses nice, is pretty, has confidence, is bold and brave AND who's kind to people who are kind to them.

A baddie doesn't have to be "straight". They can be lesbian bisexual(Bi) ect..... I'm a bi baddie. A baddie doesn't have to be a certain race, but MOST baddies are black/African American. I'm a black baddie. This quiz doesn't have questions about race, sexuality, or religion. This is a non judgemental quiz!!!!! STAY PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Baddie John Jones of Shein
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you love yourself?
  2. Have you ever dated a girl/guy
  3. Do you shop at:SheinFashion NovaForever 21
  4. Do you use:InstagramPinterestSnapchatTikTokFacebook
  5. Do you ALWAYS have a cute outfit?
  6. Do your nails stay on fleek (Pretty)?
  7. Do YOU think you're pretty?
  8. Does your hair slay? (Slay means pretty or gorgeous)
  9. Are you kind to others? (Unless they are disrespectful to you)
  10. Do you have a decent friend group?
  11. Are you afraid to beat a b**ch up? (If they mess with you)
  12. Do you wear Jordans?

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