Which kind of person are you? (GIRLS ONLY)

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Hello there! My name is Silver Cinnamon. I have friends that are online quizzers. Their names are Midnight and Francesca Tao, I thought I might mention them since they are not very popular although their surveys are excellent.

In this quiz you will be seeing if you are a Baddie, Softie or Tomboy. This is my first ever quiz so I hope you enjoy it thoroughly! This is only a little thing so don't get offended by it! This quiz is only for girls. Have fun!!! 🤩

Created by: Silver Cinnamon
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Do you get bullied?
  3. What style of music do you prefer?
  4. What is your hair colour?
  5. How often do you get into arguments/ fights?
  6. How independent are you?
  7. Pick an animal:
  8. What would you like to be when you are older?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. Did you enjoy this survey?

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Quiz topic: Which kind of person am I? (GIRLS ONLY)
