Alyssa's Roommate Compatibility

This quiz is designed to see how compatible we would be as roommates! Just answer the questions honestly and your answers will be scored according to how well you match the criteria I have set forth for a prospective roommate.

Are we compatible as roommates? Will we be scratching each other's eyes out after a week? Thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes we will find out!

Created by: Alyssa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. want to hang out with my roommate...
  4. I like to go out to bars/clubs
  5. Smoking...
  6. I only smoke...
  7. Flat out, do you do ANY drugs... this includes marijuana.
  8. Your cleanliness level is...
  9. Pets...what is your opinion of them?
  10. Your thoughts on hosting house parties...
  11. My philosophy on borrowing a roommate's stuff is
  12. Having $950.00 to give my roommate on the 1st of every month will be...
  13. Overnight guests are...
  14. Natural lighting...
  15. Temperature...
  16. I've lived on my own...independently....

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