Which Canterbury Character Are You?
This is a quiz designed to compare your personality with characters from the book “The Canterbury Tales”. You can either be the strong and noble Knight, the gossipy Wife of Bath, the young and spirited Squire who is also the son of the Knight in the actual book, the cheerful and generous Host, or the handsome and very well educated Doctor of medicine. Each of these characters has several distinctive traits and qualities which make them stand out amongst the rest.
So the purpose for this quiz is to answer all 12 of the questions as honestly as possible and see which character is most compatible with your personality. It doesn't take a genius complete this quiz. All you have to do is be completely honest with yourself, and click on the answer choice which is most compatible with you. This is not a test. I am certainly not a teacher. There is no right or wrong answers. So what are you waiting for?
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