Alvin and the chipmunks!

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Are you Alvin Simon or Theodore? Beautiful Uncle Bruce maybe? Just kidding. I would rather hope you were not Beautiful Uncle Bruce, but maybe you wish u where...

Or are you one of the beautiful chipettes? Not Beautiful Uncle Bruce, I hope... If you are than I am very worried, my interests include Warrior cats, the chipmunks and stuff.

Created by: Warriorcats09ag
  1. Fav color?
  2. Crush?
  3. What is your thoughts on nerds?
  4. Do u like the quiz? (Will not effect answer btw)
  5. Do you like hats?
  6. Opinion on fashion?
  7. Do u like Warrior cats?
  8. Do u like Alvin?
  9. Fav music?
  10. Ur life is..

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