Alpha, Beta or Omega

this quiz tells you what type of wolf you are based on your personality and relationship with your friends and family! have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is just for fun so don't overthink it. I hope you enjoy this quiz. (btw if you are reading this then you are my friend so hiiii!!!!) from Haley!!

Created by: Haley
  1. if your friend jumped off a bridge what would you do?
  2. in your friend group when someone suggested something you don't like what do you do?
  3. how is your friend group?
  4. you are stuck in a sticky situation, what do you do?
  5. when someone needs help what do you do?
  6. how do people describe you?
  7. how smart are you?
  8. how many friends do you have?
  9. what do you do when someone asks you what to do?
  10. what animal do you want to be

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