All things Royal

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Alot of people in society believe The Royal Families should be abolished that Their pomp and pagentry are undesirable in these tough economical times.

However it cant be that outdated when alot of society are still mesmerized by this intresting historical family That streatches throughout the globe. Awesone

Created by: stacey price
  1. Which Monarch changed the surname of the Royal family to avoid association with The Germans
  2. Which Monarch passed The Royal marriage act of 1777?
  3. How many children did Queen Anne have?
  4. What was the infamous quote attached to Marie Antoinette that was proven to be false
  5. As Supreme head of the English Church..What was its denomination
  6. What was Catherine of Aragons parents names
  7. Who was called Bloody Mary
  8. Who was Henry VIII fourth wife
  9. Who was Edward II s wife
  10. Who did Elisabeth I give her throne too

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