Do You Qualify For The Royal Guards of TSWCAtS?
So, I have a group on a website called ROBLOX. It's for people who think that they have what it takes to be a royal guard. The group is called The Royal Guards of the Small, Wet Country Across the Sea, or The Royal Guards of TSWCAtS.
What good is a royal guard group on the internet? Well, let me explain what we do. Basically, we host a YouTube series about our own original characters, the royal guards. It started out after roleplaying with each other and having a hilarious fun time together. One night, an idea popped into my head. What if we made a comic series about it, and voice acted for it and put it on YouTube? And so we did! Oh, and how we're royal guards? Well, I kinda dodged that question. We go into different places on ROBLOX making sure that people are following the rules of the game, and if they aren't, then we report them or politely tell them to stop. Well, you get the idea: Now you oughta take the quiz!
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