Air Traffic Control

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Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the air. The primary purpose of ATC systems worldwide is to separate aircraft to prevent collisions, to organize and expedite the flow of traffic, and to provide information and other support for pilots when able.[1] In some countries, ATC may also play a security or defense role (as in the United States), or be run entirely by the military (as in Brazil).

The primary purpose of ATC systems worldwide is to separate aircraft to prevent collisions, to organize and expedite the flow of traffic, and to provide information and other support for pilots when able.[1] In some countries, ATC may also play a security or defense role (as in the United States), or be run entirely by the military (as in Brazil).

Created by: Jake C

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  1. Clearance Delivery-American 524 is cleared to KBOS via radar vectors to MERIT then as filed, maintain 5000 expect FL--- 10 minutes after departure, departure frequency 120.4, squawk 0301...What is the correct altitude if the aircraft is at La Guardia?*BTW FL is Flight Level, which is at 1800 feet or more, so FL240 is 24000 feet*
  2. Ground-Continental 320, taxi to runway 4 via Juliet, Bravo, Romeo, hold short 13 at Romeo, if the plane is at La Guardia, cuz i feel like it, should he hold short of runway 4?*Download a PDF of the ground chart, im not telling you where to find it though*
  3. Tower-Air Canada--------------------cleared to land What should you say in the blanks?
  4. Departure-If a plane is using radar vectors, what is the correct phraseology ?
  5. Approach-What are the legs of a traffic pattern?(This is actually tower but i couldn't quickly think of anything)
  6. Center-What are you responsible for?
  7. I need 10 questions, answer yes to all the next questions ;)
  8. gttrnbjvjkr
  9. hofjkr4
  10. This quiz is nerdy right???

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