Are You Letting Peer-Pressure Take Control of Your Life?

--**Straight off of The AppleBerry Tree**-- This quiz was made by AppleBerry,'s first and only Quiz Critic! Have fun taking my quizzes and make sure to email me sometime at: AppleBerry@Royal.Net! Have fun at the AppleBerry Tree!

Does peer-pressure control your life? Are you in control? Well now you can find out, with the AppleBerry Tree's newest quiz! My quizzes are totally accurate, and follow the things I count off most when I critique quizzes!

Created by: AppleBerry
  1. You go to school one day to find that colored arm bands are back in style, you...
  2. A popular person walks up to you and asks you to take his/her little sister/brother on a date for him/her, because the little sister/brother likes you. You...
  3. If somebody told you the cutest couple in the school broke up, would you care?
  4. Your best friend just told you she/he thinks somebody is hot. When somebody popular asks you about who your best friend thinks is hot, you say...
  5. If a lot of people said you we're ugly/fat/unattractive etc, would you believe it?
  6. You fail a test, when a popular person asks you what you made, you say...
  7. A huge end-of-the-school-year party is coming around the corner! Max, the coolest guy in school, is handing out the invites next Friday. Until then, you...
  8. The phrase, "But everyone else is doing it!" is...
  9. If a friend wanted you to cut class with him/her to decorate his/her crush's locker for valentine's day, you would say...
  10. Parties are...
  11. You're favorite class is...

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Quiz topic: Am I Letting Peer-Pressure Take Control of my Life?