Ahhhhhh it's Corruptive!!!!!!

...Hello we've been waiting for you. This is corruptive speaking. if you don't pass this test right you'll die!!!!!! and never see your loved ones again!!!!!!!!
Corruptive is a company (at least that's what they call themselves). Me: Leave me alone ZIlios!!! Me: AHHHH "runs from him". Zilos: runs after me. Me: stops oh by the way this is from my daydreams. Zilios sneaks up on me. me: where did he go? *Looks around*. Zilois grabs my hands and put's them behind my back. You're coming with me beautiful. me: Help me!!! The son of corrupter has gotten me!!! (that's what the leader is called. the workers are called Corrupts and the son/daughter(s) are called corruptions)